Standing Family Reunion
Initial Page Links & Information Archives & Highlights Group Photos Upcoming Plans

Archives, Documents, Photographs, Reunion Highlights


      Bear Creek, 'Standing's corner', English ancestors, George and Deborah

      Reunion Newsletter 2004 - 2007

      To the Standing Family Reunion Newsletter

      Goodies and collectables

A nice Standing Family 1900 photograph with names was printed for the 1970 reunion I believe and copies would likely be available (see below). Also in the past George and Deborah have appeared in coffee mugs and more; in 2004 they adorned tshirts.

      Standing Family 1900 Reprint

      Standing Family Tshirt 2004   ("Still Standing after all these years")

      Standing Family 'Tea'shirt 2008  ("A Standing Ovation to Tea")

      Standing Family Tshirt 2010  ("Standing Strong because our roots run Deep")

REUNION HIGHLIGHTS     (Additional materials are welcome.   Archive content for some of the highlight years is rather sparce.   Ted Standing Foster

      Highlights from the 2004 reunion

      Highlights from the 2006 reunion

      Highlights from the 2008 reunion

      Highlights from the 2010 reunion

      Highlights from the 2012 reunion

      Highlights from the 2014 reunion

      Highlights from the 2016 reunion (in progress)

      Highlights from the 2018 reunion

      Highlights from the 2020 "Zoom-only" reunion

      Highlights from the 2021 in-person plus "Zoom" reunion

      Highlights from the 2023 in-person reunion

      Highlights from the 2023 Zoom reunion


Many of these items are reproduced in "pdf" format; please use your browser's 'back' command to return this page.   If you have trouble with these files, please consult the Reunion Newsletter link above.

"The Little Englishman" Materials:

      The Little Englishman (audio recording) At the 100th anniversary 1970 reunion Cameron Foster recited the The Little Englishman written by Martha Standing Foster (a granddaughter of George and Deborah Standing) and this has been traditionally performed as a group reading chorus since. Below are readings from subsequent reunions.

      The Little Englishman, 2010 reading (video).

      The Little Englishman, 2010 sound track (audio recording).

      A video of the June 2016 reading of The Little Englishman has been posted by Larry Standing on the George and Deborah Standing Decendants Facebook group.   (Note: In order to further browse the George and Deborah Standing Decendants Facebook group, you may need to create a Facebook account if you do not already have one.)

      The Little Englishman, 2020 Zoom sound track (audio recording).

      The Little Englishman, 2020 comments about intruder (audio recording).

      The Little Englishman, 2021 (video).

      The Little Englishman, 2023 (video).

      The Little Englishman Text (pdf), for group readings and/or printing.

"We are the Standings" Materials:

      We are the Standings, 2020 Zoom (audio recording).

      Closing singing "We Are the Standings"- Kate Wurtzler (Video, 2021 reunion, about 5 minutes)

      We are the Standings, lyrics

Other Materials:

      To an Earlham Echo newspaper article (pdf, 437kb) about the 1970 reunion.

      To a second article (pdf) after the 1970 event.

      To an Earlham Echo newspaper article (pdf) about the 1985 Reunion written by Reva Griffith.

      To A Brief History (pdf) George and Deborah Standing, 1970, by the family.

      220 Years of Cheal/Standing Links (pdf) (Family links between the Cheals and Standings, from David Cheal, UK).

      Young English Family Emigrates to USA (pdf) (The ship Idaho passenger manifest, from David Cheal, UK).

      Ancestors of George and Deborah Standing (pdf) (Chart by Martha Standing Foster).

      Descendants of George and Deborah Standing, (pdf) 1985, by the family.
Note: To a fairly good extent the above file can be searched by name via the search option on your Adobe Acrobat reader. We have published a rather old and minimal version out of privacy concerns.

Current Information:   If you have some relationship to the Standing family and would like a up-to-date information please contact Larry or Paullete Standing (please see Contacts). Larry will supply information from a quite extensive database he has compiled on Family Tree Maker and always appreciates new information.

Other Documents:

      ELLIS ISLAND Official Certificate of Registration (pdf)
At the 2016 Standing Reunion it was agreed to send money to Ellis Island for the names of the George and Deborah Standing family be engraved on The American Immigrant Wall Of Honor. This has been completed and is on Panel # 764 at Ellis Island. Thanks to Joyce Osborn for seeing this through. The engraving documents that the Standings arrived thru Castle Garden in 1870. At the moment we have not photo of the actual wall engraving, but imagine we will be able to post one in the future.

George Standing, lived in Leigh, Lancaster and other towns in the English midlands before he immigrated to the United States in 1870. He wrote about a few "few incidents of my early English life" (from the Nicholson/Standing Artists website; opens a new frame).

George and Debora's eldest son, Henry ("Harry") wrote about "Some Adventures of George Standing & Deborah, his Wife & Six Sons Coming from England & Taking up Farming in Iowa" (from the Nicholson/Standing Artists website; opens a new frame).

Henry Standing's map of Leigh, England from his biography.

Standing Acting Dynasty:   Richard Standing (descended from George's half-brother Joseph, please see Contacts) has compiled a list of IMDB (The Internet Movie Database) links to the Standing acting dynasty - all descended from George's uncle James.     There is more and as Richard finds new connections he posts them on the George and Deborah Standing Descendants Facebook Group.
The first actor was James's son, Francis Standing ("Frank Celli"), who died in 1904 while cinema was still in its infancy.   Frank's son Gordon Standing (1887 1927) made it to Hollywood, and was killed by a lion during the making of the film "King of the Jungle" at Selig Zoo.   Gordon's sister, Dorothy Faith Standing ("Faith Celli") (1888-1942) made one film.

James's second son was (James) Herbert Standing (1846-1923).   Herbert's eldest son was Sir Guy Standing (1873-1937) who was knighted, not for his acting, but for service in the Royal Naval Volunteer reserve in WW1. He died of a rattlesnake bite, and Cary Grant was one of the last people to see him alive.   Sir Guy had three children with his wife Dorothy Hammond:
Guy Standing Jr. (1904-1954) who was the father of Guy Standing III (no information other than on a Perry Mason episode in 1963).

Dorothy Katherine Hammond ("Kay Hammond") (1909-1980) whose son, Sir John Standing (1934-) Richard had the pleasure of meeting at a theatre in London.

Here (from BBC) is a video clip (which you may or may not be able to watch first time at least, reload page, usually works) from Sir John Standing (tribute to Peter O'Toole).   Michael Standing, who was one of the first BBC cricket commentators and went on to be head of Light Entertainment, responsible for classic series like The Goon Show and Hancock's Half Hour.
Herbert's other sons were Herbert Standing Junior (one movie 1921); Jack Standing (1886-1917); Percy Standing (1882 1950); and Wyndham Standing (1880-1963) who, Richard gathers from the title list, was a close friend of a particular director who used to keep giving him small walk-on parts with one-word lines!

Herbert's brother William Standing sang under the stage name "William Carleton". His son, W.P. Carleton (1872 1947) made a career of touring the US with the opera "The Bohemian Girl" from the late 1800s onwards, ultimately being cast as the Count in the 1936 film of the opera, starring Laurel and Hardy!

There was another actor called Michael Standing, who appeared in the 1969 crime caper, "The Italian Job", but so far no family connection has been found.

Joseph Standing, Mormon missionary:   Check out this interesting article on one Joseph Standing 1844-1879 (Engel, Mary Ella. "Joseph Standing (1854-1879)." New Georgia Encyclopedia. 18 December 2017. Web. 17 April 2018.)
Additional articles cited; Joseph and his parents pre-date George & Debora's USA debut -- Joseph Standing, the son of Mary and James Standing, was born on October 5, 1854, in Salt Lake City. Joseph was murdered in Georgia, 1879. Tracing back from a brief check of public records -- Joseph's father, James, a stone mason, was born 11 Nov 1815, immigrated from Lancaster, England in 1849 and settled in Utah. James's parents were John Standing, mother Nancy Billington Variey.

10 mar 2023