Standing Family Reunion
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The Standing Family Reunion, June 20th thru June 22nd, 2014

To More Photos: page 2
To More Photos: page 3 (Chautaugua)

Judging from the picture below we had 50 folks. We had a great time! A big thanks to organizers both distant and local.

Below is some preliminry material. This year I was just in and out -- so more pictures, reports, and stories are certainly welcome. Ted Foster (

Also be sure to check out the
George and Deborah Standing Descendants Facebook Group
Find us on Facebook logo

where you will find news, memorials, and more.

- - Whole Group - -

The whole bunch!! (photo Larry Standing) (If someone has a high resolution photo of the whole group it would be appreciated.)

It would be nice to match names to all those pictured above. If someone wants to take on this task, please send the names to me (Ted Standing Foster, and I will mark a reference photo for the archives and post an image map of the names. Out of privacy concerns we do not include (searchable) names with contemporary group photos on the Standing Reunion site. However the George and Deborah Standings Descendants Group on Facebook does include names for recent group pictures and images of these pages are sometimes included below the following group photos for reference.

- - Branches - -

Charles Branch (above photo Ted Foster)

There were no representatives of the George Edwin branch this year.

Alfred Branch (above photo Ted Foster)

Henry Branch (photo Ted Foster)

To More Photos:

5 Jan 2016