Standing Family Reunion

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The Standing Family Reunion, "Zoom" Session June 27th, 2020.

Considering the COVID-19 uncertainties around group gatherings this summer, the Standing Family Reunion was not held at the Bear Creek Meeting House.   In the meantime, rather than miss out on this opportunity to gather before the next in-person reunion, we planned a virtual reunion using the Zoom platform.   This took place on June 27, 2020 with 71 participants from 4 countries.   The entire 4.5-hour video session has been archived, unedited.   This material is not available for downloading (2.5 GB) but if anyone is interested send Ted Foster a flash drive via snail mail.   The soundtrack does not match the video because of transmission and monitoring issues.

Some business was conducted.   It was decided to provide the normal rent to the Bear Creek Friends Meeting, as if we had held the reunion there as originally planned.   Rather than waiting two more years for a face-to-face reunion, the consensus was to plan a reunion for next summer at the Bear Creek Meeting House and include a Zoom component.

George and Deborah Standing Descendants Facebook Group  Here you will find news, memorials, and more.   (Note: In order to browse this group Facebook page, you will most likely need to create a Facebook account if you do not already have one.)

NOTE ABOUT VIDEO: For many lap-tops and desk computers media files on the Standing Family Reunion site need to fully download from the SFR server before the media begins to play. Connection speeds vary. For larger video clips there may be a delay up to about one-fourth timewise of the minutes of the video.

If you do not see anything happening open your "downloads" folder to start the video. When you are finished, you may need to delete the file if you don't want to keep it. Video quality in larger files has been compressed to reduce file size, which is generally not very noticeable.

Below are highlight clips from the Zoom archive material.   Browse the links below.

    Getting Zoom Meeting Started and Braa Family Indroduction (Video, about 3 minutes)

    Tom Plagman Introduction (Video, about 4 minutes)

    Knight Family (Video, about 3 minutes)

    Keck Family Photos (Video, about 4 minutes)

    Kellie Badley & Gate Oklahoma Bunch (Video, about 3 minutes)

    Katie Nadler Introduction (Video, about 1.5 minutes)

    Guindon Family Farm (Video, about 3 minutes)

    Cameron Foster Introduction (Video, about 3.5 minutes)

    McGrew Family Introduction (Video, about 3.5 minutes)

    Johnson Family Introduction and "Standing Family Wrap" (Video, about 7 minutes)

    Paulette Standing Proud Parent (Video, about 1.5 minutes)

    Ruth Alliband Introduction (Video, about 1.5 minutes)

    Andrea McMillin, Flamingos and Covid Tasks (Video, about 3 minutes)

    Coping With Covid Across The Pond (Video, about 5 minutes)

    Kate Wurtzler, "Young Talent" (Video, about 5 minutes)

    Jonie Keck Shares A Story (Video, about 4 minutes)

    Song "Evelyn Standing Thomas" (Video, about 4 minutes)

    Hilda Swartz, Running A Farmers Market (Video, about 7 minutes)

    Ruth Alliband, Medicinal Plants (Video, about 7.5 minutes)

    Larry Standing Photo Collection (Video, about 6 minutes)

    Tim Johnson "Ice Cream Pandemic" (Video, about 7 minutes)

    Guindon "Monteverde Teaser Moment" (Video, about 1 minute)

    Wayne Clark, "UK Trip" (Video, about 6 minutes)

    Helen Standing, Introduction and "Piano Medley" (Video, about 4 minutes)

    Photo Break and Some Questions Answered (Video, about 15 minutes)

    Jeff Kisling, Enviromental Marches, and Birdie (Video, about 5 minutes)

    Emily Plagman, "UK Heritage Trip" (Video, about 7.5 minutes)

    Ted Foster, Fiddle/Viola (Video, about 3.5 minutes)

    Nicholson/Standing Artists (Video, about 5 minutes, no audio)

    John Thomas, "Six Feet Apart" Song (Video, about 3.5 minutes)

    "Flamingo Tea Leaf Reader" (Video, about 5 minutes)

    Closing Business Meeting (Video, about 13 minutes)

Below is the traditional "Little Englishman" reading and the beginnings of a new tradition "We Are The Standings" song.

Little Englishman

Screenshots of the readers for the "Little Englishman" - - the reading
was rudely interrupted by an intruding "Zoom bomber."
After regrouping, Ted Foster could not reconnect,
so Tom Plagman took over as "all" (everyone in unison).

  The Little Englishman 2020 Zoom reading (video, 15 minutes, 73 MB)

  The Little Englishman 2020 Zoom reading (mp3 audio from video, 17 MB)

  The Little Englishman comments after the reading. (mp3 audio media, 9 MB)

  The Little Englishman text used for this reading. (pdf)

We Are The Standings

These three sung this song.   Left to right: Kate (Plagman) Wurtzler, Nora and Autumn Wurtzler.

Story behind "We Are The Standings" -- Kate Wurtzler had recently learned how to play the ukelele and joined a ukelele orchestra at her workplace.   She decided to write a song for this year's Chautauqua and taught it to her two daughters, who enthusiastically joined in.   It was proposed that this song be on the program at future Standing Family Reunions, in hopes it may become our official Standing anthem.   (Listen to the discussion below.)

  "We are the Standing" song. (video 60 MB, 6 minutes)(includes discussion at end)

  We are the Standings (mp3 audio media, 11 MB) (includes discussion at end)

  Text of "We are the Standings" (PDF)

13 mar 2023